United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific

24 September | 09:00-10:00 ICT
Workplace Dialogue and Employee Involvement: A tool for effective remedy
Organized by:
International Council of Swedish Industry
Swedish Industrial and Metal Workers’ Union
IF Metall
Swedish Workplace Programme
For many companies, cooperation is a new way of working implying a change of mindset for both employees and managers. An important first step is to showcase the connection between employee involvement and increased productivity. This unlocks support for change among management. Furthermore, employees are usually not used to having their perspective heard or refrain from engaging. So how can guidance and training on cooperation be used in a practical way to build trust and skills of all stakeholders to effectively prevent and solve conflicts?
The fireside chat focuses on the practical side of workplace cooperation. How to go from policy to practice. Hear the practitioners and partners of the Swedish Workplace Programme on how companies, suppliers and employees have cooperated in Vietnam.
Since 2019 the initiative Swedish Workplace Programme (SWP) has promoted sustainable business and decent work by supporting companies, employees and trade unions in establishing a structured approach to improve workplace collaboration and dialogue.
The objective of the session is to give insights in:
The benefits of having a structure for two-way communication and dialogue in place
The challenges in establishing a well-functioning dialogue structure
The importance of a culture of trust and respect between managers and workers
How the dialogue structure could be used both for grievances and remedy
The toolbox of the Swedish Workplace Programme
Developing data and monitoring of workplace cooperation
The session is organized as a fire side chat between partners of the Swedish Workplace Programme on how to build a fertile ground for dialogue. The session will be a conversation on best practice and invite the audience for a Q&A.
Session Partners