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27 September  |  13:00-14:00 ICT
From Silence to Solutions: Elevating worker voices and increasing supply chain transparency in the electronics and garment sector in Asia
Organized by:
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

  • SOMO Center for Research on Multinational Corporations


International norms require that companies respect the human rights of workers in their supply chains and act with appropriate due diligence to identify, prevent or mitigate abuse. Given this context, the role of international companies that source from Asia is crucial when it comes to promoting respect for workers’ rights and ensuring that workers receive adequate compensation for harm suffered. 

The session engages with two approaches implemented by the GIZ Programme “Initiative for Global Solidarity” and SOMO “Center for Research on Multinational Corporations” to amplify workers’ voices in the process of seeking remedies. 

First, supply chain information connecting workers and workplaces with international companies can catalyse effective remedial actions by these companies. SOMO and China Labour Bulletin (CLB) will discuss a methodology that generates data on the garment and electronics supply chains in China. We aim to fill in gaps of knowledge about key labour rights challenges Chinese workers in international supply chains are faced with. 

Second, it is essential that workers have access to internal and external complaint mechanisms as well as alternative avenues to conflict resolution that enable them to file complaints. Moreover, it is crucial that workers are involved in the design and implementation of appropriate remedial measures. The GIZ “Initiative Global Solidarity” together with ILO Better Work will present lessons learnt from project implementation in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam on the role of complaints mechanisms and social dialogue to ensure access to remedy for affected workers in the electronics and garment sector.


Through this session, we want to share the tools and learnings from project implementation and explore with relevant stakeholders how workers voices can be strengthened within due diligence processes paving routes to adequate remedy.​

Session Partners
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GIZ Session Photo - Marie von Schlieben.jpg


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