United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific
Call for Session Proposals
Each year, the UN RBHR Forum provides a platform for collaborating partners to organize sessions, including trainings, workshops, consultations and side sessions.
We invite partners to submit proposals to organize a session at the 6th UN RBHR Forum, being held from 24-27 September 2024 under then theme The Remedy Blueprint: Bridging Gaps and Accelerating Access. Proposals linked to this year's focus on remedy are strongly encouraged, though there will also be limited space to discuss other relevant responsible business issues. For details on the the theme of the Forum this year, please see the Forum Concept Note.
The call for proposals has closed.
Submissions are currently under review, and applicants will receive responses and feedback the week of 15 July.
Instructions and Guidance Note
The 2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights (RBHR) Forum invites partner organizations to submit proposals for sessions. The Forum will convene stakeholders to explore solutions for realizing access to effective remedies and wider justice in the Asia-Pacific region. This event offers a unique opportunity for your organization to contribute to critical discussions and showcase innovative approaches to addressing business-related human rights impacts.
This year, the Forum will focus on remedy under the theme “The Remedy Blueprint: Bridging Gaps and Accelerating Access.
The Forum will be held in person at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, and will be live-streamed online.
The Forum will be held from 24-27 September 2024.
Session Themes
Proposals linked to remedy are strongly encouraged, though there will also be limited space to discuss other relevant responsible business issues. The session may address, but are not limited to, the following topics:
National and transnational remedies for human rights abuses
Innovative strategies to facilitate access to remedy, including shareholder activism, investor stewardship, and investigative journalism
Sector-specific challenges and solutions, including manufacturing, agriculture, technology, energy, and extractives
Intersectional human rights impacts and tailored remedies for specific groups, such as women, children, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, and displaced persons
Just transitions, climate change, and environmental justice
Enhancing the effectiveness of grievance mechanisms
Proposal Guidelines
Each session will be 60 minutes long e.g., panel, roundtable, workshop, fireside chat, debate, etc.) or 90 minutes long (e.g. consultations, workshops etc) and should be interactive, engaging, and designed to foster dialogue among participants. Innovative formats are highly encouraged.
Proposals should be submitted via this form and included the following information:
Session Title: A clear and concise title for the session.
Session Description: A brief overview of the session's objectives, key topics, and relevance to the theme of access to remedy (max 500 words).
Description of the session format (e.g., panel discussion, roundtable, debate) and how you plan to engage the audience.
Session Outcomes: Expected outcomes and key takeaways for participants.
Technical Requirements: Any specific technical needs or requirements for the session.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Relevance to the Forum’s theme and objectives
Clarity and coherence of the session description and objectives
Innovativeness and interactivity of the session format
Please note that organizations submitting proposals may be asked to collaborate.
Submission Deadline
20 June 2024
The UNRBHR Forum Secretariat will review applications and respond the week of 15 July, following which full concept notes will be requested.
Support for Session Organizers
The Forum co-organizers will provide collaborating partners with facilities (e.g. rooms and overall IT support) and guide them on the steps they need to take to successfully organize a session. Side session organizers will be responsible for all logistics pertaining to their session, including concept note development, session delivery, coordination with speakers, visa, travel, accommodation, and managing their sessions on Zoom (e.g. sharing presentations, highlighting speakers, monitoring Q&A).
For more information on the forum and how to submit proposals, please visit our website. For general queries, please reach out to the Forum Secretariat at unrbhrforum@undp.org with cc. to amy.sellmyer@undp.org and suparerk.wesarat@undp.org.