United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific
From the Organizers

Message from the Organizers of the 6th UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum
Access to remedy critical throughout business operations say UN agencies at 2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum
Bangkok, Thailand – States and businesses must do more to ensure effective remedies for human rights in their business-related activities across Asia and the Pacific, without discrimination, say eight UN agencies at annual flagship regional forum on business and human rights.
Co-organized by the UN Development Programme, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, UNICEF, UN Human Rights, UN Environment Programme, UN Women, and the UN Working Group on business and human rights and supported by the governments of Sweden, Japan and the European Union, the Forum brought together more than 1,100 business leaders, government officials, civil society representatives, and international organizations to address some of the most urgent challenges in ensuring and advancing business responsibilities for human rights.
Held from 24-27 September 2024, this year's Forum placed strong emphasis on addressing the persistent challenges of ensuring access to remedy for individuals and communities affected by business-related human rights violations and abuses. Access to remedy, often regarded as a crucial yet underserved pillar of responsible business, was spotlighted as a key driver for improving corporate accountability and advancing sustainable business practices.
While significant strides have been made by businesses in integrating human rights due diligence into their operations, much remains to be done to ensure robust grievance mechanisms are in place. Discussions at the Forum highlighted the gaps that still exist, calling for greater efforts to ensure that businesses are accountable and that those harmed by corporate practices can seek and obtain justice.
The Forum brought together over 90 partners to organize more than 60 sessions, exploring a wide range of critical issues that intersect with the business and human rights agenda – from the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment to labour rights and gender equality. Central to these discussions was the pivotal role of businesses in not only preventing human rights violations but also in providing effective grievance mechanisms when violations do occur.
A key theme of the Forum was the need for collective action. With input from regional partners and stakeholders, discussions made it clear that governments and businesses must work with civil society to address these complex challenges. With full and effective participation of civil society and all affected communities, they can strengthen human rights protections and close the gaps in access to remedy, particularly across the Asia-Pacific region.
The Forum also underscored the growing importance of environmental responsibility in the human rights agenda. Participants stressed that businesses must be held accountable for their environmental impacts and work closely with affected communities to address and remedy environmental harm.
Gender equality and labour rights were also recurring themes throughout the Forum, with participants emphasizing the need for stronger workplace grievance mechanisms. These mechanisms must empower women and marginalized workers to report abuses and seek recourse without fear of retaliation.
The UN RBHR Forum is an annual event bringing together stakeholders from across Asia and the Pacific to accelerate momentum on the business and human rights agenda.