United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific
Each year, the UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum convenes business leaders, technical experts, policy makers and civil society actors to discuss and advance responsible business across the Asia-Pacific region.
Why should your business participate?
Targeted Training and Workshops: Attend sessions specifically designed for businesses, ​
Connect with Industry Leaders: Engage with standard setters and leading voices in business and human rights.
Network with Peers: Build valuable connections with fellow business professionals, practitioners, and business and human rights experts from across the region.
Stay Ahead of the Curve: Gain insights into the latest issues affecting your industry, and learn how to navigate them effectively
Contribute to Policy Development: Have your voice heard in discussions that will shape the future of business and human rights.
Explore business-focused sessions below.
Trainings, Workshops and Consultations
Supplier Capacity Building Workshop on Forced Labor
Organized by BSR and USAID
Unpacking Remedy: A Practical Workshop for Business Practitioners
Organized by BSR
Business Caucus on Human Rights and Responsible Business Conduct
Organized by the International Organisation of Employers
Training on the UNGPs, ILO MNE Declaration, and OECD Guidelines, with focus on Access to Remedy
Organized by International Labour Organization, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Launch of the Human Rights Working Group APAC Chapter
Organized by BSR
UNDP Business Sector Engagement Strategy for Asia: Consultations with the Business Sector
Organized by UN Development Programme and Pillar Two​
Thematic priorities for the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights: Consultation with Businesses
Organized by the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights
OECD Consultation: Training and Capacity Building Needs on Supply Chain Due Diligence
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Sessions to Watch
​UNRBHR Forum co-organizer session | UN Development Programme
Business associations, such as chambers of commerce, bring their members together to advocate for their collective interests. However, as businesses are increasingly investing in CSR, sustainability, and are required to perform greater due diligence for human rights and environmental sustainability, there is a need for greater sharing between business associations and civil society organizations working on these issues.
Session partners: APAC GATES, Responsible Business Hub EuroCham Cambodia, BSR, Labor Solutions, Digital Governance Asia
Session partner: International Council of Swedish Industry
Session partner: Center for International Private Enterprise
Direct Worker Voice (DWV) enables workers to supply data about their workplaces anonymously, affordably and equitably. Case study and panel on how MillionMakers, a rights-based technology for HRDD and rapid remedy, uses DWV to corroborate top-down social audits bringing transparency and evidence for regulators and stakeholders.
Session partners: HP, Bluenumber, Be Slavery Free
This session aims to explore the critical role of businesses in developing and implementing effective grievance mechanisms to address sexual violence within workplaces effectively. We will showcase how workplaces can build trauma-informed, survivor-centric, and rights-based justice pathways and environments which promote feminist justice for all stakeholders involved.
Session partner: One Future Collective
This session explores labour justice by examining state and non-state mechanisms for resolving disputes, their operation within legal frameworks, and environment to ensure their effectiveness. It also highlights the role of labour inspectorates in promoting compliance and access to remedy through proactive dialogue and interventions.
UNRBHR Forum co-organizer session | International Labour Organization